Online platforms providing materials
The Institute for New Economic Thinking (INET) provides research articles, video and podcast interviews, and documentary-style lecture series on new economic insights.
Exploring Economics is an open access, e-learning and teaching platform on pluralist economics with overview articles and collections of (online) courses, books, and videos.
Heterodox Economics Directory gives an overview of heterodox study programs and teaching materials as well as heterodox academic journals, conferences and summer-schools, publishers, book series, and scientific associations.
The Centre for Economy Studies provides tools and materials for broadening economics courses, curriculum review and (re)design tools, an overview of recently published teaching materials, and open access ready-to-use teaching packages.
Networks bringing people together
Rethinking Economics is an international network of students and recent graduates, who organise campaigns, events and projects to help build a better economics for the classroom, with the support of academic allies.
The Young Scholars Initiative (YSI) brings together more than 6000 (PhD) students, early academics and young professionals, who embrace new and critical ways of thinking about the economy, in more than 20 topical Working Groups and hundreds of events every year around the world.
The Institute for New Economic Thinking (INET) is an international network of economists and thinkers from a range of disciplines who challenge conventional wisdom and advance ideas to better serve society by producing, funding, and spreading research via articles, videos, podcasts, and events.
Diversifying and Decolonising Economics (D-Econ) is a network of students and scholars working to diversify and decolonise economics, both in terms of its academic content and its institutional structures.
Economists for Future (E4F) mobilises economists to better incorporate the planetary boundaries and emergency in teaching, research and policy advice.
New textbooks
The Economics in Context Initiative (ECI), the Curriculum Open-Access Resources in Economics Project (CORE Econ), and the Routledge Pluralist Introductions to Economics have each released a number of innovative textbooks for introductory, micro and macro economics courses.
Besides these textbook series, a large number of useful and cutting-edge textbooks have been published, such as Introducing a New Economics by Reardon, Madi and Cato (2017), Macroeconomics by Mitchell, Wray and Watts (2019), Foundations of Real-World Economics by Komlos, and earlier already with Economics After The Crisis by van Staveren (2014), Economics: The User’s Guide by Chang (2014), and Political Economy: The Contest of Economic Ideas by Stilwell (2011).
For innovative material for high school economics education see Regenerative Economics for secondary schools.
See more textbooks and teaching materials here.
An overview and summary of the proposals and discussion bundles published since 2007, the start of the global financial crisis which renewed the debate, that bring together ideas about how economics education should look.
For the previous version of this page and the underlying resources, see Think Further (made in 2018).